Hello! I’m Ryan, a UX Designer finding better ways to interact with the world around us. 

Check out my work below! ︎︎︎

About Me

I’m a UX Designer based in San Francisco. I attended California College of the Arts where I completed my BFA in Interaction Design with a minor in Computational Practices in 2022. 

I currently work as a freelance, full-stack UX designer, where I’ve been creating engaging web experiences for clients for the past year. I also interned at the VA Hospital in San Francisco where I worked with a multidisciplinary design team to bring awareness to their new care policy in both web and print. 

Outside of work, I host an online radio show called BigBadBroadcast, build furniture, and explore new mediums to create in. 

Email me at ryankilmer.ixd@gmail.com if you’d like to get in touch! ︎︎